Why Buy from a Small Business?

Has this thought ever crossed your mind? Perhaps their higher prices made you stop and wonder if it was worth it. Well, I am here to tell you that it is. Obviously, I am biased on the subject, I’ll admit that. However, I think there are some really good things that come out of small businesses.

Why Buy from a Small Business?

  1. It’s handmade

  2. The labor is fairly paid for

  3. It’s more sustainable

An infographic about the pollutions of the toy industry.

First, it is most likely handmade. Yes, there are some scammers occasionally that sell things they didn’t make, but usually you can trust that it isn’t massed produced and therefore somewhat unique. It could have little marks or characteristics because it was lovingly made by another human and not a machine. Another plus about it being handmade is that some products are customizable, you just need to ask the maker! Plus, since it is handmade that means that someone enjoyed making that perhaps with you in mind. It is way more special when something is made specifically for you.

Second, most likely the product maker was compensated fairly, allowing them to pay for things like food, housing, and fun. There are still places ALL AROUND THE WORLD that do not pay their workers fairly, but it is the only place for them to work so they are stuck in a cycle of poverty. By not supporting massive corporations, you ensure that your money goes to the hardworking people who made your products.

Lastly, I want to spend most of my time talking about sustainability. Small businesses don’t always equal sustainable. Since they are smaller they might not be able to afford costly biodegradable packaging or fancy recycling centers. However, the brand is smart they can save a lot of time and money by being more sustainable and they can also win customers that way as well. I know when I am shopping for a product online I buy from companies that have sustainable practices.

Since we are on the subject I will tell you about some of the steps I have taken to make my small business more sustainable.

  1. Reuse packaging materials- Whether it is colored tissue paper from a birthday gift or an unharmed box I got a package in I always try to save them so I can reuse them for my orders. (Yes I sanitize everything) Recycling isn’t always the best option so why not reuse what we already have instead of spending more money on a new one?

  2. I don’t throw any scraps away- Crocheting already does not produce a lot of waste because why would you want to waste expensive yarn? However, I do usually end up with little snippets of yarn after weaving in my ends. I NEVER throw these away. I have a little jar that I store them in and use them to stiff other projects. So not only am I not producing any waste, but I also just got free stuffing!

  3. I will buy second-hand yarn. I know this can sound kind of interesting, but don’t worry. Just like with the packaging I talked about earlier I was the yarn to make sure it is clean. Also, all of the yarn I buy second-hand is cotton or acrylic so it’s super easy to wash compared to the pretty fluffy yarn.

I hope this opened your eyes a little bit more to how wasteful big industries can be in order to make a profit and showed you how small businesses can be a reliable way to reduce the waste you produce from consuming goods. If you have any questions about my practices or sustainability in general feel free to reach out.



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